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Reading for contentedness

May I class reading a really good book as a new experience?  Sure, I have read many good books, and some really good books, a few crackers this year already.  This isn't a note to divulge my favourite or favourites.  This is a note to praise the effect on the soul of reading a good book, for me a good book is one I shall miss when I have finished reading it.  And when it is finished I will be left with a memory, a memory of an understanding of a stranger I may never meet.  Am I not a better person for having this little nugget of empathy grafted onto my personality?  And if, perhaps, I can add a little into furthering another story, well, then I will be content.

The group invigorates all aspects of my life
I heard about it and though, yeah, sounds...

On compliments and sales
It is such a thing when you recognise my...

May 24
May I?  Wouldn't it be simply the...

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