watercolour and ink on paper

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Extraordinary Hypocrisy

A nude male figure with pattern, or... we need to talk, sometimes.  Would you do the job if you thought you wouldn't be paid?  Would you do the job if you wouldn't be paid for a day, perhaps, or a week?  Would that be the time to tell you the truth or should I be hopeful and see what happens.  That perhaps I pay you next week or the week after even if I haven't paid you today.  Would my not telling you be hypocritical, or is this just how life works.  Is it extraordinary hypocrisy not to inform you of the looming disasters and the blatant evil of our system and leaders or is it just how this life works?

Doubts grow over
Naked male figure repeated, or... while the...

September 24
Drifting by, floating on the energy of those...

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