watercolour and ink on paper

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Not posing threat to life

Inspired by images from the news, or... While we are examining the question we have to examine it from all directions.  Consideration must be made to what is the threat, and in what way is it a threat to life, and, of course, I'd the threat were removed what are the remaining threats to life, for threat is part of the nature of life.  And is it worth threatening the threat to life, and is this threatening in itself a threat to life.  And when will this threat become just, or who will decide if it wasn't just.  For the courts will decide if it was legal, but that is a different question.

Guilt is overwhelming
Collaging together images from the news,...

Turning mundane
Isn't it amusing how mundane life...

October 24
Frame and reframe, the autumnal weather is a...

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