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WOLF notes and tales

The cruel WOLF will be appearing in many tales:

The Thief and the Innkeeper in which WOLF will be playing the role of Thief.

The Shepherd and the WOLF in which WOLF reminisces about whelphood.

The LAMB and the WOLF in which LAMB takes a dangerous refuge from WOLF.

The WOLF and the SHEPHERD in which WOLF tames the SHEPHERD

THE SHEPHERD and the DOG in which DOG questions SHEPHERD'S judgement regarding WOLF.

The SHEPHERD BOY and the WOLF in which WOLF earns infamous cruelty in that famous tale.

The WOLF and the SHEPHERDS when WOLF comments on the SHEPHERD dinner.

The WOLF and the CRANE where CRANE offers help for no reward.

The WOLF and the HOUSEDOG in which WOLF mulls over the cost of freedom.

The STAG, the WOLF and the SHEEP, about the time LAMB does not trust either the STAG nor the WOLF.

The WOLF and the FOX, that time FOX warns against WOLF"S boasts.

The WOLF and the HORSE in which WOLF gets no credit for kindess of a sort.

The WOLF, the FOX and the APE in which WOLF'S reputation overrides justice.

The KID and the WOLF in which LAMB taunts WOLF from up high.

The LAMB and the WOLF in which LION steps in to rescue LAMB.

The MOTHER and the famished WOLF, oh poor WOLF.

The KINGDOM of the LION in which LION declares alll equal.

The WOLF and the LAMB in which WOLF takes what WOLF wants.

The ASS and the WOLF in which kindness or foolishness leads to WOLF'S downfall.

The WOLF and the SHEEP in which LAMB refuses to offer help.

The WOLF, the FOX And the LION in which LION decrees the WOLF is flayed.

The WOLF in SHEEP'S clothing in which WOLF resorts to DRAG with fatal concequences.




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