watercolour and ink on paper
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The hope of a healthy boundary

Boundaries, they are there to protect us, to allow us to relax for a moment and not remain endlessly and drainingly vigilant.  We probably set the boundary in place because we were hurt.  A boundary that was too porous, or too rigid as it is difficult to get the fortification right at the first attempt.  They found that in the stories of forts and castles, and they find it now in the stories of small boats and refridgeration trucks. And so we remain vigilent when setting the boundary, through trial and error we assess if the border lets too many through, for that is no way to refust the unwelcome; or stops too many dead, for that is no way to welcome the welcome.   And hopefully we end up with a healthy boundary, for that is the hope.

Nine of Staves
Vigilance, anticipation, grit, awareness in...

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