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November 23

Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is November and we don't need to feel guilty about putting on the heating.  Of course it doesn't change other plans, and the storytelling through picture books for adults is still what I want to do.  I have a couple dozen outlines this November is when I start filling in the finer detail.

Sharpen and click, but now there seems to be...

Old anxieties
Tick tock tick, I let things go on not...

Storytime again
All the voices are played be the one actor,...

Slipped on by
Perhaps it is better to take a decision and...

Restricting practise
About three quarters through the day today I...

Expectations.  They lead to...

Valid and validity
Just how it is, just stop. Hop, drop, tip...

White noise
What will it be like when no one knows what...

The trick
I wonder if the trick is to simply think to...

The Bleakness is in those moments when I am...

The moment of pleasure is listening to the...

I noted your knickers, hanging, as they do,...

Then I said, my son travelled to Edinburgh...

A little change
Change, I tell you.  The thing I need...

Data and forgetting
Let me tell you about the dream, for it is...

Lost thoughts
This morning as I walked to work I thought...

How much is too much
So, she comes half way round the world to...

The best effort award
You should take a moment to watch them, take...

The message
Today I had the weight of disappointing...

A desire for a particular thing to happen, I...

North Woods by Daniel Mason
A fascinating concept of tracing the stories...

Self preservation reflex
There was that line in a story about...

That is tired
And so, perhaps, there is no point in trying...

A bicycle
If I would like to embark on a great bicycle...

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