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This is the beginning. 

The woman with the handwritten note tucke d neatly into a folder approaches the door with confidence as if the woman had approacehd this particular door many times before.  It is not true, the woman is always confident an ability to rise above any situation no matter how tricky and confrontational it becomes. 

This is the nature of the woman, it is the given characteristic for this beginning.  We who are watching the woman approach the door with confidence may make assumptions.  We may assume this is a learned character trait from a secure up-brining, an up-brining that limited the obstacles and challenges to those for which the child who becomes this woman to obstacles and challenges the child had the wit to cope with.  A loving but not cloistering environment.  Perhaps combined with the natural social intelligence.

However, in this beginning the woman confidently approaching the door is fully formed.  This beginning does not venture back into the street, back into the life that was lived before this moment.  This beginning portends to the adventures and discoveries to be made once the door is opened to this sprawling and seemingly endless mansion of many rooms.

Wet room
The door leads directly into a wet room with...

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