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035 :: The Gym

Shall I show you the gym. (Peter)

Naomi nodded.  Peter stood.  Naomi followed.  They strolled back to the road.  They crossed the road again.  It took a long time.  They did not turn up the road to the shop.  They went straight along the riverbank.  The gym was in the apartment block shaped like a ship.  In the basement.  The door opened for them as they approached.  The fitness instructor nodded to Peter.  

This is Naomi.  Our new au pair.  I am just going to quickly show her what she can use. (Peter)

Hi Naomi.  I am Brian.  Please feel free to ask me anything. (Brian)

Hi. (Naomi)

Have you used one of our gyms before. (Brian)

She does not speak English. (Peter)

Sure.  I will leave you to it. (Brian)

Brian watched them go through the doors into the gym.  Peter stopped.  He pointed to Naomi’s Skroll.  She opened it.

We can use the equipment.  We do not get an instructor. (Peter)

There was no one exercising.  There were a lot of exercise machines.  The machines had screens.  The screens glowed red as they passed them.  Peter pointed to the red screens.

We cannot use these ones. (Peter)

At the far end of the gym were three older exercise machines.  On these screens was the word welcome.  The first was a cycling machine.  Simple.  Just a seat.  Peddles. Handlebars.  The second was a cross trainer.  Two poles.  Two skis.  The third was a rowing machine.  A seat.  A handle to pull.  

These three are for us.  The others are for premium customers. (Peter)

Yes. (Naomi)

Tap your Skroll on the machine to log in.  It has your details. (Peter)

Naomi tapped the screen.  Her name appeared on it.  Her weight.  Her body fat.  Three colour coded choices for exercise.

You can put your Skroll on the screen.  It will read the screen and function as a Skroll. (Peter)

Naomi held her Skroll over the screen.  The edges curled locking on.  Naomi typed.

Like pods. (Naomi)

Peter laughed.

Yes.  Just like pods. (Peter)

Naomi stepped onto the cross trainer.  She chose intensio.  She started skiing.  The screen had a countdown.  Three minutes.  It had a yellow bar.  She skied faster.  She hit green.  The countdown started.  She kept the page.  Faster appeared on the screen.  The counter stopped.  Faster flashed.  She skied faster.  The green bar increased.  It hit blue.  The counter started again. She looked down.  Straining to keep page.  Faster appeared on the screen again.  The counter stopped.  She did not notice.  A warning buzz.  She looked up.

No. (Naomi)

Swing your hips more. (Peter)

She was sweating.  She was straining.  Yet she sped up again.  She swung her hips more.  It worked.  She hit purple.  The word intensio appeared on screen.  The countdown began again.  Naomi bowed her head in concentration.  Her breathing was loud.  In time with the movement. In.  In.  In.  In.  Out.  Out.  Out.  Out.  Slower.  The timer buzzed.  She slowed to green.  Her breathing rhythmic.  In.  In.  In.  Out.  Out.  Out.  The counter continued.  Her breathing slowed.  The timer buzzed.  She slowed to yellow. In. Out. In. Out.  The numbers approached zero.  At the time hit zero her breathing was normal.  The only sign of the exercise was her sweat.

It knows how fit you are.  Exactly. (Peter)

Naomi smiled.  Nodded.  She pointed to the rowing machine.

Me. (Naomi)

No.  Not today.  We have to go back to the shop.  Only time for a quick shower. (Peter)

Yes. (Naomi)

And now you know how to use it you can come any time. (Peter)

Naomi followed Peter to the shower.  It was a small room.  They stepped inside.

First your Skroll goes in there.  Then your clothes go here.  They will be steam cleaned.  Then you stand in the middle of the room.  The room will shower you. (Peter)

Naomi nodded.  Peter closed the door.  Naomi closed her Skroll.  Put it in the draw.  She stripped off her clothes.  Laid them on the shelves.  A little airing cupboard.  She closed the door.  She stood in the middle of the shower.  First soapy water hit her.  From all sides.  She jets moved about.  She held her arms aloft.  She rubbed under her arms.  Her crotch.  Then fresh water hit her.  She twirled with the water.  Then warm air.  A couple  minutes to dry her hair.  Perfectly.  She shook her head.  The little airing cupboard opened.  She picked up her top.  Held it to her face.  Breathed in the scent and the warmth.  She dressed.  She looked like she belonged.  She looked like she was part of this wonderfully clever world.  A world where fitness is science.  Cleanliness is science.  Everything is science.

036 :: Free to laugh
Naomi and Peter walked back to M&S to...

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