Archive Gallery

Please note this gallery is no longer being updated. Some of these artworks are available please contact me for more information. My recent works are availabe on: Current Artworks Galleries


Erotic short stories, original artworks and links to my favourite online erotica.

Behind the Blue Door

It was a new call.  As always with the new calls George came with me.  He waits in the car and I take my panic button with me.  Well, I always have my panic button, it looks just like a fob on my car keys, just that with the regulars there is no George waiting outside.  I keep telling them it is a false sense of security as a regular is just as likely to go crazy as a new client but they never listen to me.

"George, can you try find a house number, I don't have a house number of. The satnav just has a postcode."

I pulled over into one of the free parking places when the satnav said I had reached my destination.  It was one of those well-at-heel areas that either had rules for... Read more...

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