What you don't know

Sometimes it is quite difficult to puzzle it out, to puzzle out other people's motivations, that it.  And that is the thing I am struggling with not knowing today.  I can throw in a number of theories: start off with an assuption, put that assumption into the scenario machine I have been making in my spare time and see if the behaviour spat out by the scenario machine fits the behaviour I observed.  But the problem is I fed in a number of assumptions and more than one spat out the behaviour I observed.  But one of the assuptions would cause me harm, which the other wouldn't.  And I do not believe that not knowing which assumption is corect is any way of protecting me against the harm.  It is a stupid pithy saying, and the opposite of forewarned.


A male nude figure or, perhaps, better alone than in bad company, which sounds terribly sensible but for the problem that many of our company we don't choose as the choice has been made by someone else, perhaps an employer.  Or many of our company was chosen a long time ago and people change.  And what about family and duty, they are stuck in the mix, and what if they turned out to be bad people.  And being alone can be dreadful too.

Silence is golden
But today it didn't feel golden.  It didn't feel like it was something I...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...