having a specified appearance:"a young-looking American"
jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force: "he leapt on to the parapet"
FOX fell into the well, probably drunk again
GOAT looked down, thristy: is the water good?
Delightful, come on down, this is the place to be!
Foolish GOAT jumped down, blump, bump, thump.
FOX seized the moment, lept on GOAT’S head
A leap for freedom
Oh, GOAT realised, I can’t get out, call for help!
Stupid clod, you saw the hole you in the hole
And off FOX staggered, passing out in a ditch
No one came to rescue GOAT
FOX has an uncanny sense of the order of things. If you asked, FOX would say it...
Amoral Tales
Short graphic stories based on ideas in Aesop's fables often keeping the animal heads...