The ritual at the end of the day

It can be in the drink and the chat after where the event is turned into a memory.  The event may have been brilliant, or it may have been dull but when the laughter rings about the table and the details that may have been missed at the time are shared and reminisced, then we all form our stories to tell for years to come.  Even those of us who are poor storytellers, and even those of us who have no audience.  And isn't it nice that for a small premium on the beverage, the publican will provide the table for this all to happen.


I remember moments when I have said something funny, when I have genuinely entertained, or when I have said something enlightening, though I remember that with less fondness.  But I remember before these moments there was such struggle.  Extended periods of turning myself inside out and vomitting embarrassment all about my person to get to the point where I thought I was appreciated rather than tolerated.  One solution is to not care, and I can not care about the embarrassment or not care about the tolerance.  I shall not close down, for perform we must.

Welcome to my collection of artworks, sketches, stories and other ideas.  I draw something every day and post the picture to my socials as well as to this website.  The list below shows the projects I am currently working on as well as links to the lists of projects I have stopped working on or have completed.

All images on this website are original art works and may not be used for commercial purposes without expressed permission by myself, the artist.

Not posing threat to life
Inspired by images from the news, or... While we are examining the question we have to...

October 24
Frame and reframe, the autumnal weather is a bedtime symphony, the naked misery is a...