
So, today was not so great. Quite rubish overall, but there are some bits which were good.  Good to see F. Not so good when the argument happened and I felt like I was being blamed. But truth is I wasn't, not a sausage, just that it is difficult to express disappointment without it sounding like blame.


If I were to write a self help book, instead of having cliff-hamgers at the end of each chapter I would have feel good moments, like, what did you like about your boy/girlfriend when you first met; or, list things that other people like about you.  While the beginning of each chapter is the hard stuff, like, listing fears, or inadequacies.

I would much rather be wandering down the nude beach looking at the naked bodies but...

August 23
This is the summer, the air is warm and the tempers are fiery, and this summer I am going...