
The moment of pleasure is listening to the quiet conversation in the hall, the advisors advising, the clients listening, and I, I have finished my thing.  The pleasure deflects the little moments of effort I have put in.  I am a good person to welcome, I am chatty and I smile.  What more do you need from a receptionist .


The Bleakness is in those moments when I am reminded that everyone thinks I did wrong.  Sometimes it happens in general conversations, the meaning behind the spoken words.  Not always unkindnesses, usually just carelessness.  It takes a while for the words to infest, and for me to scuttle to aloneness in the Bleakness.  And the only escape is to wear the Bleakness like an emperor's new clothes.  Or to run like fuck, never look back.

I noted your knickers, hanging, as they do, in the bathroom.  I noted your knickers...

November 23
Wrapping the blanket about me is a comfort but not as much as the heating, for it is...