Proving a negative

The principle is to think the best of a person, to think the best of all persons, and to have their best interests at heart.  But this is a complicated question as it is very difficult to judge if I have their best interest at heart when I don't have the same opinion or action as you, and you, of course have their best interest at heart.  Either one of us could be trying but get it wrong, or we could both get it right, different rights.  I don't know how to stand to show I am thinking the best of them when you think I don't.  It is a bit like proving a negative.


There were things, motivations that were, perhaps, not disclosed.  Dishonest.  But it was an everybody wins situation, just not everyone knew all the facts.  Just knowing the additional details would not have changed the amount you won.  No more, no less, you would have won the same had you known or had you not.  So what does it matter, then.  What does it matter.  But not everybody won, one person didn't..everybody but one won, just the thing is that one was me.  And now I cannot tell if I didn't win because I hid those things at the beginning.  Or was that just how it was always cut out to be.

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