
So, yeah, it is not that she procrastinated today, not much really.  She started the day well, with a fine list of things to do, numbered from most important to least.  She set about the work, and kept working untill the final minute ticked by, but.  Between each task sheput off starting the next task for a moment of checking her phone here, or a little browse on the computer there.  Tiny but frequent procrastinations were indeed the thief of the time today.  Tomorrow no putting things off.


Ink drawing of images from the news or

Out of sight, there is so much more that it out of sight now, and, with a little comfort we find in our luxury lifestyle, it is easy to keep them out of mind.  Yet the point remains, is it fair for me to lie in my obese excess, flooding my every desire with instant pornographic solutions whatever the peccadillo, or distraction, while they are walking towards hope or disaster.  Does it become okay when the odds are overwhelmingly against me?

Even a fool
Make no mistakes when you say nothing, though that is not strictly true, but there we...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...