Nude not nude

The nude can be viewed nonsexually, every time there is nudity and not sex it is nonsexual.  Simple.  Beaches.  Bathing.  Sleeping. Sunbathing .  Of course there is a lot of sexuality that is clothed, burlesque, for example, we all love burlesque, don't we.  The nude can be embarrassed, or brazen.  It can be practical nudity or rebellious free speech.  It can be found in many places, perhaps I shall look for that to draw tomorrow.


The nude figures are mostly female, smooth flowing curves of nubile young women.  The remaining figures are nubile young men, lean and muscular with large cocks.  They are all figures of the male gaze, straight or gay, I know this, but why?  What is so attractive of the nubile young form?  Is it a reliving of those tentative initial explorations into sexuality?  Surely not, those time were fraught with anxiety.  So is it the self invested power to redo those days with the confidence of age?  Or is it just a pointless delusion?

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