Like a bad penny

A twitch and a stretch and a sharp pain in the middle of my back.  I tried to carry on but found I could not, I needed to bend and lie and wait for the pain to go.  It went, but when I tried to get on with my day, and twice when I was relaxing, like the bad penny it kept turning up, it was back.  That pain in the back. 


Try and try again, this pithy comment came to mind on reflection of a day in which I didn't seem to succeed at much, neither on a good start to a motivational month or on the daily tasks. I guess trying and trying again is what is needed but perhaps keep trying would be better for me.  I should keep working in a positive way always ready to embrace positive opportunities rather than, as tryand trying implies, banging my head against the wall of the problem in a blunt approach.

A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush.  A bush in a bird is worth two in the hand.  Birds, bushes and hands, oh dear.  I think it is not so important to have a bird in hand as when the bird is in hand there is no aspiration to capture a new bird, to achieve more.  So what I want is a bird in the hand, and two in the bush for me to chase after eating the bird in the hand.

The Devil Makes Work
Oh my idle hands, were that the devil would come to give them a task, some light work...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first step in my march towards a more Zen...