July 24

This is the month for the summer takeover, the Amoral Crew will.be diarising their days and their thoughts, to give a clearer idea of the creative process behind the production of the Amoral Tales featured on this site.  The focus of these notes is the crew, this is not a manifesto or a step by step production process, these notes are down to the input ans take up of the individuals who make up the crew.


After a session working on the thirsty pigeon, everyone settles in for a party of laughter.

Oh, isn't it fabulous, that rush of ideas?  Sometimes it is an outpouring triggered by the release of energy following a good thought, but usually it is in that shared space, brainstorming when no thought is not valid.  Where the flow is kept moving through participants doing the little things they do well, polishing, smoothing, taking a step to the left.  And the things participants do well differ so there is always something dynamic.  Something going.  And with continuous movement it is more likely to find yourself somewhere new, rather than spinning about a spot.

Collaging together images from the news, or... It takes so little to be overwhelmed, honestly we are such fragile and infantile creatures as soon as we feel a little pushback we flop on our bellies and fucked up the arse.  This is the point when we need to hear the message: Keep Fighting.  We need to hear it from the few out there who refuse to give into the pushback.  The few built with a singularity that us, the many, were not.  And when we hear it we might get up and try again, at least until that pushback comes again.

Who chooses who will be the people who wash the dishes and clean the toilets?  I am the one who does it here, and, to be brutally honest, I am not certain I am the most suited to the role.  One way of looking at it is through the overall productivity of the group.  We are an easy group to to define but there other groups that are more difficult to label.  I know I am not in the top half for productivity but I don't feel I am at the bottom either.  The other way is looking at willing and to fill the job allocation from the bottom up.  And yes, I am probably the least ambitious, and thus the most expendable.  And I guess I have chores to get to, fuck equality.

Sometimes a word, or a phrase, or a repetition, or a rhyme are so beautiful it needs to be worked back into the poem.  I love that moment when I sit for one second then another to absorb it, appreciate it, before jumping back in with renewed energy.  Or the moment when I hear one of the others say the word, the phrase, and I think wow, yes.  And I say yes, fabulous.  We must use that word, phrase again, we must work it into the poem.  I love writing poems with the others but usually I write poems alone.

A nudeale figure with a pattern, or... Back there you have to apply the rules as you know them.  Thing is when a new person takes over a job, like a politician being introduced to the house and all of its obscure traditions, they have their own agenda, and all agendas at some point turn to money.  And what is your fiscal rule?

Collaging together images from the news, or... Perhaps it is the feeling that things are going to go wrong, well, really a worry that the little things will go wrong and life becomes like that anxious dream in which you are always trying to get somewhere but the wheel is flat and the pump is broken and the tool is missing and the room is locked and the person with the key keeps running and you can't keep us as your feet get stuck to the melted tar...  And even at the end of the day when life did not turn into that bad dream you, somehow, just expect the next day to go wrong so you still cannot relax.

This may be a story the goats have told before, enacted before, but still when the goats are together they will tease goatherd.  This is the nature of the herd, it is the nature of being part of the herd.  Do not feel sorry for goatherd, anything coming to goatherd is of no consequence to any of the goats.  Feel sorry for any goat that cannot or will not keep up this herd mentality.

It felt a little strange at the time: the sincerity in his gratitude was strange because it was fleeting.  I do not believe he was faking his sincerity, I don't believe I am a poor judge of behaviour.  Yet it remains to ask why it was fleeting.  Was it because his gratitude itself was fleeting and he caught my eye and expressed it in the instant; or was it because his sincerity was fleeting, that he is easily distracted.  Or that he took me for a fool, and indeed I was a fool to be taken in.

A male nude figure with a pattern, or... well, have you taken offence already? Sure, this is not the traditional method to silence the rowdy, and there may be a bit of confusion with the grey wolves.  But surely my intension needs to be taken into account too.  Here we have an overweight male nude, if this were a nubile female nude would it have a different reaction.  And is this a question for the artist or for the viewer?

Inspired by images from the news, or... It seems like such a simple thing, we live in a time of such abundance, such abundance that is not going to last.  Soon we will be back in a time of scarcity.  And we cannot share the abundance.  We get so angry at the scrounger, the person not doing their fair share just living off the state, living off my hard work.  But there is no fair.  There can never be fair, the boss at the top of my tree is living off my hard work but I don't grumble about his scrounging off my hard work.  We are all fools. 

Inspired by images from the news, or... Plop

Inspired by images from the news, or...

A male nude figure with a mirror and other words, or... Well, many days are just about doing what we do, and then when it is a busy day then day goes quickly.  And when there is not much to do but to stand about looking in the mirror thinking about the things that may be happening elsewhere, then the day slips along so slowly, so, so slowly.  And then there might be further conversations that need happening. 

Inspired by images from the news, or... well, it is a thing we need to think about. We have these surfaces, like here in this image but there are so many surfaces in society, culture, religion, family and work.  And life is full of things, occasionally, a thing ends with a catastrophe, and suddenly the surfaces are broken, and when there is a crack everyone sees their own chaos below the surface.  And if the crack is big enough, well, then the chaos is drawn out.  And then everyone can see the horrifying undercurrents.

Inspired by images from the news, or... well, it is a thing we need to think about. We have these surfaces, like here in this image but there are so many surfaces in society, culture, religion, family and work.  And life is full of things, occasionally, a thing ends with a catastrophe, and suddenly the surfaces are broken, and when there is a crack everyone sees their own chaos below the surface.  And if the crack is big enough, well, then the chaos is drawn out.  And then everyone can see the horrifying undercurrents.

A party of laughter
After a session working on the thirsty pigeon, everyone settles in for a party of...

The rush of ideas
Oh, isn't it fabulous, that rush of ideas?  Sometimes it is an outpouring...

Keep Fighting
Collaging together images from the news, or... It takes so little to be overwhelmed,...

Chores, duties and inequality
Who chooses who will be the people who wash the dishes and clean the toilets?  I am...

Sometimes when writing poems
Sometimes a word, or a phrase, or a repetition, or a rhyme are so beautiful it needs to...

Change Fiscal Rules
A nudeale figure with a pattern, or... Back there you have to apply the rules as you know...

Do not try to hide what cannot be hid
This may be a story the goats have told before, enacted before, but still when the goats...

Step Aside
Collaging together images from the news, or... Perhaps it is the feeling that things are...

No fake sincerity
It felt a little strange at the time: the sincerity in his gratitude was strange because...

A little annoyance
Mmm, well, today was a frustrating day in retrospect, when looking back over the day...

Two beauties
It was a tale of two beauties.  Both I noticed from afar, the first interested me...

Silent Fox
A male nude figure with a pattern, or... well, have you taken offence already? Sure, this...

What we have
They have somewhere better to be, that is why they are not here.  And us, we...

Poverty Taskforce
Inspired by images from the news, or... It seems like such a simple thing, we live in a...

All smoke
When there is a story about smoke, will there be the type of fire you expect or will it...

Just polite
It is strange, she is such a lovely person but I am not sure she really wants to get to...

I am not sure it is as clever as they are making it out to be but it does have some...

Show of force sends message
Inspired by images from the news, or...

Attractive sneering
We sat together criticising the performance, the structure and the flaws, minor as they...

Share the emotion
The thing, the real thing, is feeling the emotion, sharing the emotions.  Listening,...

Further Allegations Emerge
A male nude figure with a mirror and other words, or... Well, many days are just about...

As long as you are still listening
It was indeed well prepared.  We had done our research, settled on a story, worked...

Stories of wisdoms
A delightful surprise, a voice from behind, oddly familiar, oddly because I had not seen...

As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...