Come on summer, warm lazy days punctuated with thunderstorms, counting the time from the flash to the thunder until it is here, on our heads, and oh dear we forgot to close the windows but it doesn't matter too much as the warmth will dry the wet carpet quickly. And will we go away this summer to the seaside resort with the sand in our pants and sunburnt lips, or shall we stay here and complain how unpleasant the city is when it is so hot, even if it is empty because, well, everyone went to the seaside. Bliss.
A male nude figure with words, or...
Inspired by images from the news, or... well, what will we do? Who is it we need to watch, observe, stalk, who is it that has the power to belittle, degrade, disturb. All and everyone. What are we to do against those who want ill of us? A little shift, a minor roumer and the crowds gather for their revenge, or to prove to themselves they are still part of the people. They are the people, they are right and are in the right. When the individual fears the street who are the activists and the conspiracy theorists?
A naked male figure with pattern, or... perhaps it is worthwhile considering how false claims slip in. Often they slip passed into the past when we are distracted. And thus they become fact. Often they slip by when we are not looking or perhaps even when we are not present. And thus they become fact. They become fact because they are undisputed. They are disrespectful because they do not think the best of us. But we shall remain respectful. We shall continue to think they best of others even if they do not think the best of us.
Inspired by images from the news, or...
Inspired by images from the news, or... Well, it was not artful, really, it was thuggery. Blunt thuggery. They were taking advantage of the situation, the tension to express their anger. But don't they understand, those retrobates, don't they understand that what you give comes back. If you are going to give angry violence be prepared, be hard for you are fucked, here comes the bastard who wants to show they are harder.
A naked male figure, or...
Inspired by images from the news, or... Why do we become so convoluted, why do we wrap ourselves in knots to appear we have not lost our on some form of honour. And after this epic struggle, this show of force and the consequences of the show of force everyone is worse off, the winner is worse off, the loser is worse off, the victims are worse off. And someone has to start rebuilding what we had and that someone is us.
A male nude figure with other words, or...
having a specified appearance:"a young-looking American"
jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force: "he leapt on to the parapet"
The naked woman with a lamb mask wanders along the mezzanine floor. There are no stairs to the room below, a small empty hall with folding chairs stacked on the far side. Next to the entrance to the small hall.
The naked woman with a lamb mask looks at the books as if they are coloured shapes, rectangular flowers, making no attept to reach for one, to open one, or to read one, instead wandering to the end sits on a soft chair with legs folded and tucked. And hands streatched overhead. Stands, looks over the railing at the small hall below and returns to sit.
The naked man with a wolf masks enters the room below. Stops. Sniffs the air as a wolf does. Howls as a wolf does. Looks up at the naked woman with the lamb mask.
They wait. They watch each other. They are wary, they do not know how to behave now they cannot talk.
A speaker high on the wall crackles.
They wait looking at each other.
You will regret it
A male nude figure with words, or...
Unbearable strategy and waiting
Inspired by images from the news, or...
Another think
Different days have different moments. Some days have a general overall feeling...
Artful Takedown
Inspired by images from the news, or... Well, it was not artful, really, it was...
Magic in the tussle
A naked male figure, or...
A good tale offers an interesting ride. It starts off with an invitation, a promise...
As I allocate the server space to the unordered thoughts of the year I hope that,...