May I class reading a really good book as a new experience? Sure, I have read many good books, and some really good books, a few crackers this year already. This isn't a note to divulge my favourite or favourites. This is a note to praise the effect on the soul of reading a good book, for me a good book is one I shall miss when I have finished reading it. And when it is finished I will be left with a memory, a memory of an understanding of a stranger I may never meet. Am I not a better person for having this little nugget of empathy grafted onto my personality? And if, perhaps, I can add a little into furthering another story, well, then I will be content.
May I? Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the question may I in May. I will give it a go, I will do something new whenever I can, try something new (I imagine there will be a fair amount of food involved). Read something new, watch something new, oh there are so many things to try. I may not always find a new thing, but I will always be on the lookout for the new thing. Oh, what will the new thing be today?
Inspired by images from the news, or... Perhaps they want it darker. It is such a difficult thing to do to tell a coherent story without being able to tell the difference between the characters. As if all the characters are clones, sometimes they are clones in their looks, sometimes they are clones in their actions. Sometimes they are clones in the confused memory they discard carelessly in the corner of one room or other in the fuck house. Have they always been in TFH?
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My sketches are inspired by the use of images on social media particularly in storytelling and reporting of current events. Follow me or contact me:
May 24
May I? Wouldn't it be simply the most delightful idea to give answering the...
Welcome to the house of masks, an exploration of hedonism and failure through the...