The High Priestess knows about secrets. She knows how to keep secrets. And she knows how they leak through actions and words, and thoughts about actions and words. She knows secrets are important, they are a cloak that can be worn against all those emotional bitter winds of aggression, ridicule, indifference. But she knows too that some secrets are not necessary, and she knows some secrets are harmful in their keeping. She knows these secrets must be spoken. So when the High Priestess enters your room, know what she knows and make wise choices about the secrets you keep.
the fool
Oh look at that fool, falling, floundering, crashing about breaking the rules and...
iv emperor
But what is power and what does it mean to me, and how can I apply this to myself? ...
xiii death
Oh death, here you are with your melancholy and finality. Last night I watched a...
xv the devil
I have heard the devil is an oppressive experience that is, in least at part, from...
xviii the moon
And so began my week of lunar confusion. The path I had trodden so casually...
xx judgement
We are limited in this human body with finite, and, indeed, quite small levels of...
Mark My Card
Are your cards a meditation or a prediction. Do the cards know your fate, do they...