watercolour and ink on paper


Walking, walking in the sun, with the blue sky above, with the warm heat of the argument pushing my legs faster, heating my legs with the movement, with the sun.  And as the adrenaline of the argument dissipates into discomfort and then I come back, burnt.


Say and go, and leave the bad thoughts behind.  And it is true that it may happen again.  Indeed the very next time you may have the same unpleasantness.  And the next time, if it happens again, you state your case: it is not ok for you to speak to me like that, to treat me like that.  And go, leave the bad thoughts behind.

And this was the point at which he turned to me, a small amount of ice-cream clining to...

June 23
There seems to be an inertia settling over my days, like a dust that for some reason is...