
Saying goodbye can be such a simple thing, but it can be a delicious thing too.  Taking a little time to go to the train station, or to the airport.  Walking with the person for a while, waiting while they book in.  Perhaps having the time for a conversation and a cup of coffee, perhaps just the time for a conversation about nothing of consequence.  Before the goodbye.  Then watching them go and the slight emptiness and lightness as you walk away from the station, walk back to normal life, normality.


The soft toys were stolen, this is a fact.  I looked at it several times and I am sure the soft toys had been there but no longer were.  As good as having been checked off a checklist.  The last time the soft toys were seen was in the hald of a child saying look at this.  And look at this.  I know there was a lot that hasn't been seen, but it is depressing to think the little child might have just wandered off with the soft toys and no one said Hey!

Another nothing
Slip, slop, and what can we do.  Maybe I am not going to be an athlete of any...

August 23
This is the summer, the air is warm and the tempers are fiery, and this summer I am going...