Be not a pest

It is simple, the thing you need to do is be interested in the other person, whomever that person is.  And who is not interesting, who is not interesting when viewed in the openness of curiosity?  This it is a choice, choose to be curious and the other person will offer something if interest even if it is only the wonder as to why the other person is as closed as they are. And the conversation may lead to a new friend, but beware, do not be a pest.


Collaging together images from the news, or... perhaps, investigating the feeling behind guilt and how that word is used.  Is the feeling of guilt stronger in the guilty or in the survivor.  Thinking for a moment about the survivor, they may have played an active role of some degree, perhaps the survivor has a disproportional strength of their feeling, but, sometimes, they may not have contributed in any significant way.  Oh how hard such grief is.

The joy of competitiveness
Oh, the joy of competitiveness.  A while ago, longer than I care to note, it was the...

October 24
Frame and reframe, the autumnal weather is a bedtime symphony, the naked misery is a...